MVLS Glasgow Brain Injury Research Group

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Support now and you can be part of ground-breaking medical research

Glasgow Brain Injury Research Group (GBIRG), based in the Laboratory Medicine building at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow, is changing lives with their research. Your support could make a huge difference in the incredible work being done by this team. 

Led by Professor Willie Stewart, GBIRG is investigating the biology and pathology of traumatic brain injury (TBI). These studies aim to describe the range of pathologies that occur in people exposed to varying severities of brain injury, from repetitive mild TBI (such as those sustained in football, rugby or boxing careers), to single moderate or severe TBI through car accidents or assaults. This work is particularly geared towards understanding TBI and the increased risk of dementia as an outcome. 

Your support would help several ground-breaking projects, including: 

  • FIELD - looking specifically at former professional football players
  • CONNECT-TBI - aiming to characterise outcomes of TBI (e.g. Alzheimer's)
  • Partnership with 'PINK Concussions' - bringing much-needed attention to female brain injury research

The FIELD study found that former professional football players had approximately a three and a half times higher rate of death due to neurodegenerative disease than expected. The findings from Dr Stewart's research have already made a huge impact on this community, but it is only support from people like you that continues to make this possible. 

You can be part of giving family hope during their darkest time: Frank Kopel became a professional football player in 1964 at the age of 14 and half, he went on to have a wonderful career and family life; however, in 2008 he was diagnosed with vascular dementia. Without this research he would not have been able to secure the appropriate treatment during his lifetime. Help support our athletes one last time - ensuring they receive the treatment they deserve.

Be part of giving back hope to those suffering from a Brain Injury - a gift of any size could change a life.

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2 years, 3 months ago
An anonymous user donated £700.00