Medical Fund

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Support now and you can be part of the next ground-breaking medical discovery.

For centuries Glasgow’s researchers and scientists have helped shape the world with their ideas and innovations. People like you have supported the greatest minds to achieve the impossible. From antiseptic to ultrasound, beta-blockers to the coma scale, the world is richer for Glasgow’s contribution.

The Medical Fund helps to advance so many phenomenal areas from pushing along medical discoveries, making sure our staff, researchers and students have the best facilities to help the achieve their potential. Your support helps us work towards resolving the biggest health challenges of the 21st century.

From cancer and heart disease to diabetes and dementia, support goes to pioneering new research that will impact all our lives. The future of medicine will focus on medical prevention, healthcare technologies and a wider one health approach.

Glasgow’s medical research is a beacon of hope for many, with your help we can make sure the best and brightest continue to come here and get involved. You allow us to work on improving diagnosis, producing more effective treatments, and supporting disease prevention.

Your support allows Glasgow to remain at the forefront of modern medicine.

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1 week, 3 days ago
Neil Fraser donated
1 week, 5 days ago
CHRISTOPHER CARSON donated £20.00 quarterly
3 weeks ago
An anonymous user donated £250.00
3 weeks, 6 days ago
An anonymous user donated £50.00
1 month ago
Francis Chinegwundoh donated
1 month ago
An anonymous user donated £25.00